Kenneth Okonkwo, the well-known Nollywood actor and lawyer, recently voiced strong criticisms against President Bola Tinubu's administration in a recent interview with Channels Television's Seun Okinbaloye. In his discussion, Okonkwo expressed serious concerns about the potential for anarchy looming over the country. He emphasized the distinction between Nigeria and Lagos, highlighting his disapproval of Tinubu's decision to prioritize his children in official protocols during a recent visit to Qatar. Okonkwo also accused Tinubu of nepotism and went further to suggest that the first nine months of Tinubu's government have been more challenging than his predecessor's tenure under Muhammadu Tinubu. Okonkwo's strong statements included comparisons between different administrations and raised questions about the government's approach to appointments, particularly focusing on individuals with close ties to Tinubu in the Lagos region.

In his words: “You don’t compare gold with carrots.“I thought Buhari’s regime was going to be the worst, but the nine months of this present government has surpassed it. “Do you know what it means when you place your children in order of protocols before the Ministers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria? What do you call that? You allowed someone to come into Aso Rock, sitting on the Coat of Arms to call our military men thieves. “This government in terms of appointment is just concentrating not even on South West but on the Lagos axis of his Jagabanic proteges”.Clink here to watch video


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