Nollywood actor and producer, Deyemi Okanlawon, recently opened up about his perspective on fame. In a candid interview on the latest episode of Celebrity Quickies, Deyemi revealed that he never sought fame but entered the entertainment industry to focus on his craft.

According to Deyemi, his primary goal was to do the work and fame was just a byproduct of his dedication. He admitted that he didn't anticipate the side of fame that comes with being in the industry. However, he quickly adapted to the idea and tried to keep himself grounded by focusing on the job at hand.

Deyemi expressed his biggest regret as not starting his acting career sooner, indicating his passion for the craft. Additionally, he revealed that if given the chance, he would love to go on dates with Hollywood actresses Viola Davis and Meryl Streep, admiring their talent and achievements.


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