In a recent interview with Pulse, popular Nollywood actor Baaj Adebule shared his thoughts on marriage and revealed that he is not looking to marry a virgin. Baaj explained that he wants to avoid the process of disvirgining, which he described as a traumatic experience he had gone through before.
Baaj emphasized that when people think about the topic, they often only consider the perspective of the lady, overlooking the emotional impact it can have on the guy involved. He expressed that the disvirgining process can be a terrible experience for men.
By sharing his personal perspective, Baaj sheds light on a less-discussed aspect of relationships and challenges the societal expectations surrounding virginity. His openness about his preferences adds to the ongoing conversation about individual choices and experiences when it comes to marriage.
It's refreshing to see public figures like Baaj Adebule sharing their personal views, as it encourages more open and honest discussions about relationships and the complexities surrounding them.
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