In a shocking turn of events, veteran Nollywood actor John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu, finds himself in the midst of a distressing situation. Recent reports reveal that his son, Oyeabuchi Daniel Okafor, and adopted daughter, Jasmine Chioma Okekeagwu, have been detained by the police in Ikoyi, Lagos State. The allegations against them are serious - they are suspected of stealing a staggering sum of N55 million from Mr. Ibu's donations. According to the Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (FCID), the incident came to light following a petition from Diamond Waves Law on behalf of Stella Maris Chinyere Okafor, Mr. Ibu's wife.
It is alleged that Oyeabuchi Daniel Okafor and Jasmine Chioma Okekeagwu conspired to defraud Mr. Ibu while he was on a sickbed. The investigation revealed that Mr. Ibu had initiated a public fundraising campaign to cover his medical expenses. Donations poured in from his fans, prominent figures in the entertainment industry, and kind-hearted individuals.
Initially, Mrs. Stella Maris Chinyere Okafor was entrusted with managing the finances to support the family and cover Mr. Ibu's medical bills. However, a shocking twist occurred when Oyeabuchi Daniel Okafor and Jasmine Chioma Okekeagwu allegedly stole Mrs. Stella Maris Chinyere Okafor's phone and hacked into Mr. Ibu's financial details.
This unfortunate turn of events has left Mr. Ibu and his family in a state of disbelief and betrayal. The investigation is ongoing, and it is hoped that justice will be served. The truth must prevail, bringing clarity to this distressing situation.
Credit gose to gistreel.
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