In a recent video circulating on social media, Seyi Tinubu, son of the Nigerian president, made a statement about celebrity barman Cubana Chief Priest, the APC, and hanging out with Davido. During a meetup in France ahead of Davido's show, Seyi Tinubu was captured on video expressing that although Cubana Chief Priest may be a member of the Labour Party, he is actually in support of Tinubu.

The statement has caused quite a stir, with many people expressing their opinions and debating the implications of Seyi Tinubu's words. The video has sparked controversy and raised questions about political affiliations and the influence of celebrities in the political landscape.

It's fascinating to see how a simple statement can generate such diverse reactions and ignite discussions on social media. This incident serves as a reminder of the power and impact of words, especially in the realm of politics and public figures.Clink here to watch video

As the conversation continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see the responses and perspectives from both supporters and critics of Seyi Tinubu's statement. 


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