Juliana Olayode, the Nollywood actress, gave a big shoutout to her senior colleague, Funke Akindele, for throwing a thanksgiving party after her blockbuster movie 'A Tribe Called Judah' was released. Juliana shared a clip from Funke Akindele's Praise Concert on her Instagram page and talked about how amazing Funke's life is, full of grace, favor, and mercy.
Juliana was super happy about all the things God has done for her and how far He has brought Funke. She mentioned that the praise fiesta was a fantastic time spent praising God. Funke, aka Mama @funkejenifaakindele, is truly blessed, and Juliana celebrated God's goodness over her life.
It's so inspiring to see the love and respect these actresses have for each other. They know the importance of giving honor where it's due and acknowledging God's role in their success. Juliana is eagerly looking forward to the next #FAANpraisefiesta. It's clear that their faith is a big part of their lives. May God continue to bless them both and make their journeys even more incredible.
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