Our favorite content creator, Ola of Lagos, just dropped a bombshell on Instagram. He made a video firing back at a Caucasian man who called him out for allegedly inflating the price of a private jet. The man, Steve Varsano, who happens to be the CEO of "The Jet Business," accused Ola of jacking up the price from $2M to a whopping $16M!

But here's where it gets juicy. Ola showcased a Hawker 900 XP Jet, claiming it was the only one of its kind in Nigeria and worth $16M. However, Steve wasted no time debunking Ola's claims. He spilled the tea, stating that the jet is actually one of the oldest models and is valued at a modest $2M. Ouch! Shots fired!

To add insult to injury, Steve even suggested that Ola should hang up his airplane reviewing hat. Talk about drama! This whole situation has created quite the online frenzy. Can't wait to see how it unfolds!.


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