BBNaija star-turned-comedian, Deeone, has made a shocking allegation against his colleague, Doyin David. The drama unfolded after Doyin expressed her preference for not living on Lagos Mainland, which triggered a response from Deeone. In the midst of their back and forth, Deeone accused Doyin of being in a relationship with a married man, despite her moral high ground.Clink here to watch video

Deeone continued to mock Doyin and her supposed fake standards, insisting on his point and daring her to deny it. He claimed to have heard this information from a friend who is certain about it. He even suggested that Doyin should swear that she is not dating a married man.

This accusation has sparked hilarious reactions from social media users, who were not surprised by the drama. The comment section is filled with witty responses and memes. It seems like this feud between Deeone and Doyin is far from over.

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