Veteran Nollywood actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, has opened up about why many women remain unmarried into their 30s, attributing it to the lifestyle choices made during their younger years. In a recent interview with News Central, Kanayo highlighted a pattern he has observed over the years. He explained that some young women, particularly during their university days, opt for relationships with wealthy, often married older men, rather than building connections with younger, marriage-minded suitors.

“Some ladies begin dating very rich men in their late teens or early 20s. Often, these men provide financial support, like cars or apartments, creating an illusion of success. In turn, these women overlook potential relationships with younger men who could be good partners,” Kanayo explained.

He continued, “This cycle often continues until they reach their late 20s or early 30s. By then, these women may realize the opportunities for serious relationships have diminished, as they are no longer as appealing to the marriage market.”

Kanayo also addressed how societal pressure begins to mount as women age without settling down. “At 23, she’s enjoying life. By 28, she’s making prayer points for a husband. And by 33, she’s in a state of emergency, hoping for anyone to come along,” he said, emphasizing the importance of making intentional relationship choices early on. This perspective from the seasoned actor has sparked conversations around societal expectations, personal choices, and the dynamics of relationships in today’s world.


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