Anita Natacha Akide, popularly known as Symply Tacha, has recently joined the viral 'Of course' challenge and made some bold statements about being Nigeria's most hated girl.

In a video recorded on the street while sitting in her Range Rover, Tacha participated in the challenge and didn't hold back. She revealed some sensitive details about her strained relationship with fellow Nigerians, saying, "I'm Nigeria's most hated girl; even in disguise, I'm known in the bank, in your streets, and in your brains.

Tacha didn't stop there! She confidently expressed that despite facing disqualification, it couldn't define her. She questioned those who still post her old videos, saying, "Are you a serious person? If God qualifies you, who is that motherfucking person who can disqualify you.

It's clear that Tacha is unapologetically owning her title as Nigeria's most hated girl. You can check out the attached video to see her full statement and expression.Clink here to watch video

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