In a recent interview with Taymesan on "teawithtaypod," talented Nigerian musician Spyro shared the story behind the success of his hit song "Who's Your Guy." Spyro revealed that before the song's release, he reached out to a popular influencer for support in promoting the track. However, to his disappointment, the influencer turned him down.

During one of his performances, Spyro noticed that Craze Clown was really enjoying his song. After the performance, they connected and exchanged contacts. This led to a meet-up at Craze Clown's house, where he continuously listened to Spyro's song. Soon enough, Craze Clown started creating back-to-back TikTok videos using the song's sound.

What truly amazed Spyro was Craze Clown's dedication to promoting the song. He posted videos more frequently than Spyro himself, which led some people to mistakenly believe that it was Craze Clown's own song. Despite all of this, Craze Clown never asked for any payment to promote the song and even treated Spyro to meals whenever he visited. Spyro also shared his struggles in seeking support from other influencers. He mentioned a particular incident where he knelt in front of an influencer, pleading for help, but unfortunately, it didn't materialize. It's incredible to see how the support of the right person can make a significant difference in an artist's career. Spyro's experience with Craze Clown showcases the power of genuine support and collaboration within the music industry. It's a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one person who believes in your talent to help your work reach new heights.

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SpyroCrazy clownInfluencer

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