Nollywood actress Ivie Okujaye recently shared her thoughts on the appearance of Tiwi, the wife of popular Nollywood bachelor Kunle Remi. The couple tied the knot on January 20, 2024.

Reflecting on Kunle Remi's introduction of his wife to the public, Ivie Okujaye expressed her admiration for Tiwi's natural beauty. She recalled being impressed by Tiwi's photos and believing that she hadn't undergone any cosmetic procedures like BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) or bleaching.

In light of this, Ivie Okujaye encouraged all the ladies out there who may feel unseen or unattractive to embrace their natural looks. She emphasized that "brown skin girls" deserve love and affection, and should not let social media or the perception of others make them feel inferior.

Tiwi's example serves as a reminder that beauty comes in various forms, and women should not feel pressured to alter their appearance through cosmetic surgeries. Let's celebrate and appreciate our natural selves.

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TiwiKunle remiIvie Okujaye

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