Controversial reality TV star Tolani Shobajo, popularly known as Tolanibaj, has once again stirred up a conversation with her recent comments about marriage. Responding to a trending tweet asking what people believe others are pretending to enjoy, Tolanibaj took to her Snapchat page to express her belief that married couples are pretending to enjoy their unions.

The tweet in question asked, "What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy?" To which Tolanibaj boldly replied, "Marriage." This statement has ignited a debate among social media users, with some agreeing and others disagreeing with her perspective.

This isn't the first time Tolanibaj has sparked controversy with her views on relationships. Previously, she made headlines by stating that the dating pool is now filled with "remnants" and claimed that all the "good men" are already taken. She also shared that she has dated seven men in the past, believing each one was her future husband, only to be left disappointed.

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