Blessing Okoro, also known as Blessing CEO, has filed a petition against popular prankster Untouchable after a recent prank gone wrong. In the prank, Untouchable and his team used men dressed as police officers in a van to prank Blessing.

In a video that went viral, these fake policemen stopped Blessing on her way to the airport. They forcefully dragged her into their van, pretending to arrest her. Blessing was visibly upset and can be seen crying inside the van.Clink here to watch video

Blessing took action by writing a petition to the Lagos State Police Command, accusing Untouchable and his team of stealing her money and putting her life in danger during the prank. She shared the petition on her Instagram page, expressing her desire for justice to be served.

Pranks can be fun, but it's important to remember that there should be limits and boundaries. It's unfortunate that this prank went too far and caused harm to Blessing both physically and emotionally. Let's hope that the authorities investigate the situation thoroughly and justice is served. 


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