It all started when Yul Edochie, the talented actor, took to social media to make a big announcement. He revealed that he was about to embark on a new chapter in his life by opening his very own ministry called True Salvation Ministry (TSM). Yul urged everyone to attend and experience true salvation.

Now, here's where the fun part comes in! Rita Edochie, who is known for her outspoken nature and her support for her sister-in-law, May Edochie, during their marriage, decided to add a touch of humor to the situation. She took to her Instagram page to share her thoughts on Yul's announcement.

In her post, Rita Edochie playfully hailed the "latest Daddy G.O and Mummy G.O". She humorously mentioned that new problems seem to arise every morning, using the phrase "Wahala be like bicycle." It's always fascinating to see how celebrities interact and express themselves, even in the midst of serious topics like opening a ministry. Rita Edochie's playful response added a touch of humor to the situation, showcasing the unique dynamics within the Nollywood industry.

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Yul EDOCHIERita Edochie

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