In a new twist to the ongoing saga surrounding the late Nigerian rapper Mohbad, social media activist VeryDarkMan has alleged that Naira Marley, the embattled music label boss, admitted to owing his former signee a significant amount of money. This revelation adds another layer to the controversial circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s tragic death in September 2023.

Mohbad, who left Marlian Music over alleged contractual disputes, passed away under contentious circumstances, sparking widespread public outcry. The late artist’s strained relationship with Naira Marley and his associate Sam Larry came under scrutiny, particularly after a viral video showed Sam Larry assaulting Mohbad prior to his passing.

Following Mohbad’s death, Naira Marley and Sam Larry were charged and remanded on October 6, 2023, but both pleaded not guilty and were later released on bail. Despite this, public opinion remains heavily divided, with many fans accusing the duo of foul play and boycotting Naira Marley’s music.

In a video shared on social media ahead of what would have been Mohbad’s 28th birthday, VeryDarkMan revealed his conversation with Naira Marley about the financial disagreements with Mohbad. According to the activist, Naira Marley disclosed that their issues stemmed from Mohbad’s decision to work outside his contract and seek new management.

“I asked him why he isn’t coming forward with evidence to clear his name, but he said God would fight his battles,” VeryDarkMan shared. He further emphasized that Naira Marley admitted to owing Mohbad a substantial amount of money, but chose not to address the matter publicly.Click here to watch video

As fans continue to demand justice for Mohbad, the case has reignited conversations about the exploitation of artists in the music industry and the need for accountability.

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